Pernyataan itu disampaikan langsung oleh Michael melalui akun Twitternya. Michael menunggu kedatangan Sophia ke Amerika untuk segera merampungkan proses perceraiannya. Saat ini, Sophia Latjuba memang sedang berada di Indonesia.
"I must await Sophies return to LA to begin the process of divorce. Thus it is fair to say that it is in her hands. We discussed separation in late August and I have done literally everything within my power to mend and save the marriage," tulis Michael pada Selasa (18/10/2011).
Sophia Latjuba dan Michael Villareal menikah pada tanggal 30 April 2005 di Gereja Anglican All Saints, Jakarta. Dari pernikahan ini, mereka dikaruniai seorang putri bernama Manuela.
Menurut Michael, dirinya dan Sophia sudah berusaha mempertahankan rumah tangga yang mereka bangun sejak tahun 2005 itu. Namun, upaya itu sepertinya tidak membuahkan hasil. Mereka pun sepakat untuk berpisah.
"Many of you know and many some suspect that recently there have arisen some difficulties in my 7yr marriage to my wife Sophia. It pains me greatly to finally announce that our marriage is unfortunately coming to an end. Sophie and I have discussed and verbally agreed to amicably bring our marriage to an end," lanjutnya.
Perselingkuhan yang dilakukan Sophia Latjuba menjadi salah satu alasan Michael tidak bisa memaafkan tindakan curang isterinya itu.
"I have however recently learned that weeks prior to our discussion of separation Sophie met and began having an affair with a new love," tulis Michael dalam Twitternya, Selasa (18/10/2011).
Michael sebenarnya masih memendam cinta terhadap Sophia. Dia pun merasa perih dengan perceraianya itu. Namun, Michael berharap Sophia bisa bahagia dengan cinta barunya.
"Although I do not excuse or condone her actions and the fact that sophie decided to move on with her new love I accept her decision and I will not interfere with her new life and her new happiness," tandasnya.
"I must await Sophies return to LA to begin the process of divorce. Thus it is fair to say that it is in her hands. We discussed separation in late August and I have done literally everything within my power to mend and save the marriage," tulis Michael pada Selasa (18/10/2011).
Sophia Latjuba dan Michael Villareal menikah pada tanggal 30 April 2005 di Gereja Anglican All Saints, Jakarta. Dari pernikahan ini, mereka dikaruniai seorang putri bernama Manuela.
Menurut Michael, dirinya dan Sophia sudah berusaha mempertahankan rumah tangga yang mereka bangun sejak tahun 2005 itu. Namun, upaya itu sepertinya tidak membuahkan hasil. Mereka pun sepakat untuk berpisah.
"Many of you know and many some suspect that recently there have arisen some difficulties in my 7yr marriage to my wife Sophia. It pains me greatly to finally announce that our marriage is unfortunately coming to an end. Sophie and I have discussed and verbally agreed to amicably bring our marriage to an end," lanjutnya.
Perselingkuhan yang dilakukan Sophia Latjuba menjadi salah satu alasan Michael tidak bisa memaafkan tindakan curang isterinya itu.
"I have however recently learned that weeks prior to our discussion of separation Sophie met and began having an affair with a new love," tulis Michael dalam Twitternya, Selasa (18/10/2011).
Michael sebenarnya masih memendam cinta terhadap Sophia. Dia pun merasa perih dengan perceraianya itu. Namun, Michael berharap Sophia bisa bahagia dengan cinta barunya.
"Although I do not excuse or condone her actions and the fact that sophie decided to move on with her new love I accept her decision and I will not interfere with her new life and her new happiness," tandasnya.