- Kali ini kita akan berkenalan dengan sosok pria tampan multitalenta dari Filipina, Bryalle Benoza. Selain terjun ke dunia modeling, Bryalle juga adalah seorang aktor, dancer dan juga chef. Dengan talenta yang dimilikinya, Bryalle pun memilih untuk berkarier di dunia hiburan tanah air saat ini. Di sela-sela photoshoot untuk bersama fotografer Mike Reza dan makeup artist oleh Mecil, Bryalle pun mengungkapkan awal dirinya tertarik dengan dunia entertainment.
"This is my passion and I enjoy doing it. I started having interested with the
entertainment when I was 7 years old," ungkap pria kelahiran 19 September 1994 ini.
Bryalle pun mengungkapkan alasannya memilih Indonesia untuk mengembangkan karier-nya. "Because I experience the culture of Indonesia and I think I really like it. So, I deciced to move to do the entertainment here. I felt that the Indonesian people are really open to different people, for example artist and tourist. I also feel really comfortable working here in Indonesia and this is my second place to stay. Indonesia is one of my favorite places in the world. I feel more wolcome here," papar Bryalle yang berdarah campuran Inggris-Filipina ini.
Berikut ini adalah biodata lengkap Bryalle Benoza :
- Nama lengkap : Kim Bryalle Benoza Frost
- Nama populer : Bryalle Benoza
- Nama panggilan : Bryalle
- Tempat lahir : Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Filipina
- Tanggal lahir : 19 September 1994
- Tinggi badan : 175 cm
- Berat badan : 65 kg
- Ukuran baju / celana / sepatu : M / 29 / 41
- Nama orang tua : Peter Frost dan Marybeth Frost
- Agama : Katholik
- Hobi : Cooking, watching movies, surfing the net
- Film favorit : 'Titanic'
- Aktor / aktris favorit : Brad Pitt
- Penyanyi favorit : Shawn Mendez, Ed Sheeran
- Akun Twitter : @bryallebenoza
- Akun Instagram : bryallebenoza
Pengalaman Bryalle Benoza di dunia entertainment di beberapa negara antara lain :
- GFORCE Dancer (Filipina)
- Boyband member (Filipina)
- Host (Filipina)
- Commercial model / TV Commercial (Hong Kong, Indonesia)
- Singer (Singapore)
- Movie and theater actor
- Chef in Shanghai, China
- dan lain-lain
Dengan modal talenta-nya yang begitu banyak, Bryalle memutuskan untuk terjun ke dunia entertainment. Beberapa negara pernah ia singgahi, hingga Bryalle merasa selalu mendapatkan beragam pengalaman yang berharga dalam hidupnya setiap ia berada di negara yang berbeda, termasuk Indonesia.
"It's because, first I studied my bachelor degree, I finished multimedia. I studied entertainment for example music, dancing and media in the news. So I think I am really into it. I like music, I like dancing also and specially acting, because it makes me really complete. And for my cooking career, I think it's in with me. So my cooking career can't be take away from me. So it's either I do music, dancing or acting or cooking it's doesn't matter," urainya.
Bryalle yang setiap masa liburan selalu menyempatkan diri untuk pergi ke Inggris bersama sang ayah ini juga membagikan beberapa pengalamannya sebagai entertainer ketika ia menyinggahi beberapa negara. "I worked in Shanghai, China for one year as a chef, and I also worked in Singapore as a singer. I'm doing modeling also in Hong Kong. And now I move to Jakarta, I hope it's gonna be fine here. So, good luck to me," paparnya.
Tak lupa, Bryalle juga memberikan kesan-kesannya selama menjalani photoshoot untuk "The shoot was fun and I enjoyed working with the photographer as well as the director, Opung. The makeup artist was also fun to work with. I loved the clothes I wore from the designer, Tanli Ferry. The shoot was fun together with other models and artists. It was a privilege to work with Most challenging for me is to wear the moslem clothes. I had an amazing experience," pungkasnya.